Outdoor Kitchen Edible Planters
It’s just about time to enjoy more time outside cooking in your outdoor kitchen. Here are some plants to start growing so that you have fresh veggies and herbs ready to harvest and cook when you need them!
Live Life Outside: Tips for Creating an Outdoor Room
At once sunny and shady, open yet secluded, inside yet outside—the outdoor room offers the ultimate promise. Here are some clues to get you started!
Pollinator Plants that Butterflies Love
Make a home for butterflies in your garden by growing these beautiful plants!
Berry Shrubs to Plant Now and Harvest in Summer
Here’s a taste of what you can look forward to when you plant berry shrubs this spring!
Easter Lily How-to Care
Easter lilies are a gorgeous and meaningful symbol of spring. Here’s how to care for these beautiful bulbs, both at home and in your garden.
Stay-Fit Activities You Can Do Outdoors
Restore and rejuvenate your body by spending time outdoors! Here are a few outdoor activities to keep you fit.
Advantages of Big Trees in the Landscape
Big trees have big benefits, both inside your landscape and beyond. Here are five great reasons to plant a new tree in your yard this year!
Your 5-Step Landscape Planning Checklist
Planning a new landscape? Review this checklist before you set up a consultation with our design team!
I’m Bored! 5 Garden Crafts for Kids
Revive your kids’ creativity and grow their imaginations with these 5 garden crafts!
3 Ways to Maximize Space Around Windows for Houseplants
Houseplants love spots near windows to drink in nourishing rays. But in small rooms it’s not easy to give them adequate window light—check out these creative techniques for maximizing plant space in cozier spaces!