Artificial vs. Fresh Cut Christmas Trees: The Pros and Cons
Should we opt for the simplicity of an artificial tree? Or go for a fresh-scented spruce, fir, or pine? All of your Christmas tree questions are answered here!
Find Your Holiday Style
Unwrap these trendy new takes on traditional decor. Try vintage, do-it-yourself, or humble approaches to the holidays this year!
Holiday Lighting Guide: Buying Tips & Inspiration
Clarify your vision of lighting basics and brighten your views with these inspiring ideas!
Transitioning the Home & Landscape from Fall to Winter
When your garden goes dormant, the beauty of your home and landscape doesn’t have to. Embrace the wonder of winter with these ideas!
Outdoor Activities for Halloween at Home
Enjoy the haunting fall landscape with these alternatives to trick-or-treat!
How-to Care for Your Poinsettia
Nothing says “Merry Christmas” like an exquisite poinsettia houseplant. But not all poinsettias are equal.
Herbs You Can Grow Inside All Year
It’s thyme to bring a taste of your garden indoors. Check out this sage advice on growing herbs all winter!
10 Most Haunting Landscape Weeds in Chicago
A weed is defined as any plant that is growing where it is not wanted. A landscape weed can get the best of anyone.
Keeping Your Succulents Alive in Fall and Winter
Learn how to gel with your succulents this winter. Here are juicy tips on caring for Aloes, Agaves, Jade Plants, and more!
My Evergreen is Turning Brown!?!?! Help!
Is it normal for my evergreen to turn brown? Why is my evergreen (pine, spruce, juniper, arborvitae) dropping interior...