When to Plant Mums in the Chicagoland Area | Platt Hill Nursery | Blog & Advice

When should I plant my mums?

The best time to plant your mums is August or early September. If you can get your mums in the ground before they start blooming you will double the bloom time. The plant will get a more robust root system which helps elongate the bloom time. Also, if you choose a perennial mum, a better root system will reduce the chances of frost heave (when the cold temperatures force shallow root systems out of the soil). If you wait until the plant has already started blooming, you will cut the bloom time in half. The mum will still give you great color, just for a shorter period of time. Once you plant the mum, make sure you stay on top of the watering. When you plant during the hotter summer months, plants will need to stay a little more hydrated just like people.

If you ever need help with picking the right mum, proper chrysanthemum care, or choosing a time to plant, you can always stop in and see us in Bloomingdale or Carpentersville or contact www.platthillnursery.com for assistance.

Additional articles of interest:
Mum-a Mia! Planting and Caring for Chrysanthemums
Instagram Worthy Fall Plants for A Garden That Glows
