Getting Your New Shrubs Through Their First Year
New shrubs hold the promise of future berries, flowers, and beautiful leaves, but before any of those things can happen,...
Save Your Garden From a Surprise Spring Frost
The wavering weather of late winter and early spring always comes with uncertainty. Just as we start to think that the...
Beat Inflation by Growing Your Own Food
With food prices going up, growing your own food just makes more and more sense these days. For less than one grocery run,...
Welcome Spring With Colorful Pansies
Spring is almost here and the days are getting longer and warmer, so it's time to start thinking about bringing some color...
Our Favorite Trailing Houseplant
Vining houseplants are all the rage these days. From philodendrons to pothos to hoyas, we love them all, but those vines...
Functional Modern Landscape Design Inspiration
Distinct from contemporary landscapes, modern design has a style and philosophy all its own. With an emphasis on straight...
Early Bird Series: Start Mapping Your Raised Garden Beds Now for an Easy Spring
Many gardeners put off planning until the last minute or don’t do it all. While it’s possible to improvise and still reap a...
Start Seeds Indoors Early for a Long Harvest Season
The time for starting vegetable seeds indoors has arrived! If this isn’t part of your gardening practice, it’s time to...
Early Bird Series: Design a Backyard Greenhouse to Extend Your Growing Season
Savings on grocery bills, an extended growing season, and protection from uncertain weather are just a few reasons to build...
Bored Inside? Make a Succulent and Cactus Planter!
Cacti and succulents are some of the houseplant world's most beautiful and intriguing members. Adapted to thrive in harsh...