New Year, New Houseplants!
As we move into the New Year, there’s another annual celebration just around the corner—Chinese New Year! These gorgeous houseplants can each help you embrace positive qualities throughout the year.
5 Houseplants for Beginners
5 Perfect Houseplants for Beginners With the approach of the new year, many people have resolutions to get healthier and...
Fresh-cut Christmas Tree Care
How to care for your Christmas tree The holidays are in full swing! Thanksgiving has come and gone, we've all had our fair...
Selecting the perfect fresh-cut Christmas tree
How to select the perfect fresh-cut Christmas tree How do you find the right Christmas tree for your family? Here are some...
Artificial vs Fresh-cut Christmas Trees
Artificial vs Fresh-cut Christmas Trees Everyone is always wondering, should I have an artificial or fresh-cut Christmas...
Protecting your Boxwoods from the Winter Cold
Boxwoods suffer from extreme Chicagoland winter temperatures. To help prevent and minimize winter burn on your boxwoods and...
One of a Kind Holiday Decorating
One of a Kind Holiday Decorating! Decorating for the holidays is always a challenge. What makes it even more difficult is...
Protect Your Roses for Winter
Chicago winters can be tough on roses. Some roses are quite hardy in our area, such as knock out types, drift types, and...
Fall Clean Up
Where do you start? Raking leaves from trees and shrubs You can use your leaves for composting in an area to add more...
Fall is for planting!
Can I plant trees and shrubs in the fall in Chicago? Yes! Fall is a great time to plant in the Chicagoland area. The cooler...