How to Assess a Damaged Tree from Chicago Winter | Platt Hill Nursery | Blog & Advice

Winter can be particularly brutal in the Chicagoland area with heavy wet snowfall and strong winds. The number of trees damaged can be staggering and costly to be removed.

What to do if your tree is damaged:

After a vicious winter, you can expect harm on your property, specifically your trees. At Platt Hill Nursery, we understand it can be stressful to deal with a damaged tree. If your tree has been harmed, follow the important steps below.

  • Assess the damage
    • Look for branches with significant foliage that has broken off
    • Observe to see if the trunk has begun to split. If trunk has split, it is time for the tree to be removed.
  • If tree trunk is not split, it is essential to call an arborist for further investigation
  • If arborist determines your tree can be saved, do not prune the intact branches to ensure it can recover smoothly.
  • Visit Platt Hill Nursery to purchase a new hardy tree.

Be sure to safely prune your tree if that is the professional recommendation. 

Platt Hill Nursery es el principal centro de jardinería y vivero de Chicago.
