Plant Trees to Improve Health and Wellbeing | Platt Hill Nursery | Platt Hill Nursery | Blog & Advice

We are part of the Chicago Region Trees Initiative (CRTI), the largest initiative in the country building a healthier regional forest.

Trees make us healthier. They provide oxygen and help save lives by cleaning the air and reducing pollution. You can help improve health in your community by planting just one tree this year, either on your property or at a community tree planting event. Don’t stop there add on a houseplant. Houseplants offer a multitude of health benefits for health and well being. Stop into our Bloomingdale or Carpentersville location and let us help you pick the right tree and/or indoor plant for your home and landscape.

Platt Hill Nursery es el principal centro de jardinería y vivero de Chicago.

Información adicional
Cooling Your Home with Shade Trees
Advantages of Big Trees in the Landscape
Breathe Easier with Air-Purifying Houseplants
Iniciativa de árboles de la región de Chicago
