Gardenia Care | Platt Hill Nursery | Blog & Advice

Is Your Plant in the Right Spot? 

Gardenias do best in bright light, but not direct sunlight, such as part shade locations outdoors. If growing indoors, choose a ventana soleada location as gardenias require high light and a warm location. Bring your plant indoors if temperatures drop below 45°, if you wish to keep it for next year. Gardenias require a period of cool night temperatures around 66/68° to set buds. 


Soak soil thoroughly and let dry down between watering. The best way to check your plants for water is to check the weight of the pot. Simply lift up the container to see if it is heavy or not. When heavy, there is plenty of water. When light, you need to water. Be sure to water thoroughly. When the container dries out the soil shrinks, like a sponge. And like a sponge, multiple waterings may be needed to soak the soil completely. Even if water comes out the bottom of your pot, the soil most likely hasn’t absorbed enough water. Don’t stop watering until the container feels heavy, or the roots will dry out and the plant will start looking bad. Remember to check your gardenia daily, especially in the hot months. Misting the leaves frequently will also be beneficial. 

Maintaining Quality Depends on You 

Platt Hill Nursery goes to great lengths to supply you with quality plants. When you take them home we are entrusting you to care for them properly. By following these guidelines, you will keep them beautiful and healthy – and get the most from your investment. Take time to learn how to care for and enjoy your plants. If foliage becomes yellowish, feed with Jack’s Classic Acid Special 17-6-6 once or twice. Remove spent flowers to encourage reblooming. Keep an eye out for insect problems such as spider mites and scale on the gardenias. 

Your Plants are Hungry 

To keep your plants blooming and growing well, you will need to fertilize them regularly. The best fertilizer for your blooming plants is Jack’s Blossom Booster. This fertilizer has the highest phosphate level we carry and that is the most important food for continuous blooming. We recommend feeding weekly if you are watering daily. Also available is Osmocote, a slow released food, that feeds your plants every time you water.