An edible orchard is one of the easiest things to plant and one of the greatest long-term gifts you can give to you and your garden. Plant a few trees, and you can enjoy hundreds of pounds of fruit for years to come. If you’re wondering what to plant or how to...
Cinnamon, bergamot, jasmine, chamomile: sometimes, just the mere thought of these fragrant aromas has a healing effect. However, it’s even better to actually breathe them in, letting their divine scent wash away your worries through what holistic practitioners...
Winter is a magical season that offers just as many gifts as any other; however, sometimes the cold weather prevents us from going outside and truly connecting with nature. Being cooped up in buildings, offices, and rooms too long can sometimes give us a case of the...
Do you notice yellow leaves on your trees or shrubs? It’s not fall yet! They may be turning from a lack of water, disease, insects, or a nutrient deficiency—or it might be a case of “iron chlorosis.” It sounds quite technical, but really, it just means your plant is...
Puedes disfrutar de hierbas frescas durante todo el año, al alcance de cualquier comida, y ni siquiera necesitas un jardín. Las hierbas de interior prosperan en cualquier cocina, siempre que tengas macetas, tierra, luz solar y mantengas una buena rutina de riego. ¡Aquí tienes los detalles para un jardín de hierbas DIY!