Air purifying houseplants are like an extra set of lungs. They inhale the carbon dioxide we breathe out and exhale fresh oxygen into the room. But many go beyond this simple exchange and actually filter invisible toxins from the air. They absorb airborne compounds...
Fall plants offer a unique ability to increase the seasonal aesthetic and overall atmosphere of our gardens. At this time of year, the temperatures are starting to cool down and it can be much more comfortable to get outside. Autumn projects like changing up our...
Lawns are such a common sight that it’s easy to forget they’re made of plants. Like all the other plants in your garden, grass benefits from extra care as it prepares to rest over the winter. Here are some ways to wind down the mowing season while setting up your lawn...
Landscaping your front yard can be something you debate about for years. Because your front yard is on display for the neighborhood, there can be some strong feelings associated with this space. We’ll provide some fall design ideas to inspire your front yard...
Sweet-smelling spruce, pine, cedar and yew—and all of the wonders of the evergreen world—have many gifts to offer. Oak, maple, and elm often take the spotlight in summer, but when the deciduous leaves blow away in the fall, suddenly, the conifers take center stage. If...